Since upgrading to Yosemite I wanted to refresh my terminal’s look. It makes sense spending time customising it considering how much time I spend looking at it.
When working on my laptop it is even more apparent as I tend to run in full-screen/distraction mode (
cmd + return
in iTerm).
Colour Scheme
I really love the Base16 color schemes - you can’t really go wrong with any of them. For the moment I am using Chalk light which is a great subtle colour scheme that is easy on the eyes. All of these are conviently avaialble for iTerm2 here.
The prompt character comes at the beginning of each new line in the terminal. To find the perfect prompt character I trawled through all of the unicode characters. I didn’t realise how many cool ones there are. Here are some of the ones I considered:
☢ ☣ ☠ ⚠ ☤ ⚕ ⚚ † ☯ ⚖ ☭ ⚒ ⚛ ⚜ ☥ ✧ ⋆ ★ ☆ ✪ ✫ ✬ ✭ ✮ ✯ ✰ ☫ ☬ ☸ ✵ ❂ ☘ ♡ ♥ ❤ ⚘ ❀ ❃ ❁ ✼ ☀ ✌ ♫ ♪ ☃ ❄ ❅ ❆ ☂ ❦ ✈ ♕ ♛ ♖ ♜ ☁ ☾ ✔
I finally settled on these ⚔ swords. It is definitely not the most logical choice. I imagine the a greater than symbol (>) is probably the most obvious but this is my prompt!
My pirate style prompt
is available here
- Copy into
- E.g.
ln -s /Users/scratch/prompt_swash_setup /Users/dunc/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions
Update Prezto .zpreztorc file
zstyle ‘:prezto:module:prompt’ theme ‘swash’
If you are customising your terminal I would highly recommend either creating your own dotfile repo or syncing with Dropbox. I have lost my settings a number of times and it would be very annoying trying to re-create it all from scratch.
If you want to see my complete iTerm2 preferences they are available here To load them follow these steps:
- General -> Preferences (load preferences from custom folder)