Email Obfuscate

May 18th 16

Email Obfuscate is for guarding email addresses from being simply scraped by bots.


Email addresses are harvested from websites using web scrapers.

There are many strategies that can be employed to mitigate scrapers: 1, 2, 3, 4.

However, it must be noted that preventing scraping is an arms-race.

This library’s aim to prevent searching for mailto links or using email address regexes.

It does this by constructing an email address from an object then drawing the text as an image using the canvas.

For older browsers without a canvas (IE8) we append an element using the alternate text.


npm install email-obfuscate --save


import EmailObfuscate from 'email-obfuscate';

  var el = document.getElementById('email');

  EmailObfuscate(el, {
    // Email construct: name@domain.tld
    name: 'test',
    domain: 'example',
    tld: 'com',
    // Alternate Text
    altText: 'Email'

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