Four Day Week

May 18th 16

I wanted more time to spend working on my own projects. Being able to devote a large chunk of interrupted time on something is far more productive than random hours.

Without traction however, it is difficult commit to full time. This leaves me in a bind. Less time means means that my projects are slower to completion and potential iterations are dropped. However, jumping head first and leaving the security of a job without a customer base is terrifying.

Four Day Week

I decided to compromise and work less days per week.

I am still in full-time employment so can maintain a comfortable life style. It provides me with enough free time to devote exclusively on my own ideas.

The downside is that I am saving less. My potential runway is much shorter if I decided to make the leap. Hopefully by that point I would have made some sort of progress.

My plan is to make lots of spike projects and see what sticks best. It will be interesting to see how this strategy works out over the coming months.

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