Holidays and Concentration

May 18th 16

I have been getting into the festive spirit thanks to my favourite Christmas movies. I wasted sometime creating a more christmassy prompt for my terminal :)

Festive Prompt

Santa Prompt

Get santa into your terminal with my holiday prompt


  • Copy into

  • E.g.

    ln -s /Users/scratch/prompt_swash_setup /Users/dunc/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions
  • Update Prezto .zpreztorc file

  • E.g.

    zstyle ':prezto:module:prompt' theme 'festive'

Zoning out


I have been experimenting listening to different types of music and seeing how it affects my productivity. I always have my headphones on and it allows to me to zone out and absorb myself in my work.

Although not the most productive I have really enjoyed listening to stand-up albums. Loads of the top comedians have full albums available on Spotify or on Youtube. It makes burning the night oil much more fun.


I try to work in distraction mode whenever possible. It can be irritating however, when you switching between different programs constantly.


I have recently started using Bartender and it is really useful. By removing the visual cues on screen I am finding it much more easy to concentrate. I no longer time watch at all.

For the time, when I need it I just use this timezone script for Alfred.

GIF Guide

I love GIFs. However, making them can be a pain and you really want to be able to generate them as fast as possible. Quality is also a concern as large file sizes makes them really sluggish especially on mobile.

I have been using gifify and have found it really nice to use.


brew install gifsicle imageMagick ffmpeg
npm install -g gifify


Using Quicktime to get screen captures

+ N
Once saved it can be converted into a GIF by
gifify -o screencast.gif


I found problem with libpng when installing and had to upgrade brew

brew update && brew upgrade

Learning Awesome
