The importance of shortcuts becomes really apparent when you are playing games.
This perspective encouraged me to maximise my control when working in a new OS.
Here are my currently used navigation assistance tools:
Vim control commands inside chrome. This helps to fill in the gaps of the default browser navigation and reduces the need for a mouse almost completely.
Nice open-source window management tool with JavaScript configs.
Touch a .slate file inside your user directory and try out some of these. Remember to reload the config when you are done.
- Full Screen the current window
By default there is not a keybind for this on Mac which is quite strange coming from Win. Binding this makes the transition easier and you can similarly use the up arrow key aswell.
bind up:shift;cmd move screenOriginX;screenOriginY screenSizeX;screenSizeY
- Indent/Shift/Nudge the current window
Nice bind to match indenting code inside IDE.
bind [:shift;cmd nudge +10% +0 # right
bind ]:shift;cmd nudge -10% +0 # left
Quick alignment is where the power really comes.
- Left/Right Half of Screen
Place the current window to take up half of the screen. Similarly match Win using left and right arrow keys.
bind left:shift;cmd push left bar-resize:screenSizeX/2
bind right:shift;cmd push right bar-resize:screenSizeX/2
Essentially replaces the spotlight bar however, it is much more than that. To get access to the full range of features you need to purchase for $15.
You can shortcut program and scripts using an intuitive GUI. These can be called from Alfred or assigned to shortcuts.
Here are some of my preferred program shortcuts:
s+cmd+shift # ST2
c+cmd+shift # Chrome
t+cmd+shift # iTerm
d+cmd+shift # Dash