Introduction to Mac Shortcuts

May 18th 16

The importance of shortcuts becomes really apparent when you are playing games.

This perspective encouraged me to maximise my control when working in a new OS.

Here are my currently used navigation assistance tools:


Vim control commands inside chrome. This helps to fill in the gaps of the default browser navigation and reduces the need for a mouse almost completely.

All vimium commands


Nice open-source window management tool with JavaScript configs.

Touch a .slate file inside your user directory and try out some of these. Remember to reload the config when you are done.

Example slate config

  • Full Screen the current window

By default there is not a keybind for this on Mac which is quite strange coming from Win. Binding this makes the transition easier and you can similarly use the up arrow key aswell.

bind up:shift;cmd move screenOriginX;screenOriginY screenSizeX;screenSizeY
  • Indent/Shift/Nudge the current window

Nice bind to match indenting code inside IDE.

bind [:shift;cmd nudge +10% +0      # right
bind ]:shift;cmd nudge -10% +0      # left

Quick alignment is where the power really comes.

  • Left/Right Half of Screen

Place the current window to take up half of the screen. Similarly match Win using left and right arrow keys.

bind left:shift;cmd    push left bar-resize:screenSizeX/2
bind right:shift;cmd   push right bar-resize:screenSizeX/2


Essentially replaces the spotlight bar however, it is much more than that. To get access to the full range of features you need to purchase for $15.

Alfred example keybindings

You can shortcut program and scripts using an intuitive GUI. These can be called from Alfred or assigned to shortcuts.

Here are some of my preferred program shortcuts:

s+cmd+shift      # ST2
c+cmd+shift      # Chrome
t+cmd+shift      # iTerm
d+cmd+shift      # Dash