I wanted to create an Express app but I did not want to mess with my workflow. Luckily there is MEAN Yeoman generator which works nicely called Angular Fullstack.
I always struggle to come up with unique and relevant domain names only to be disappointed when it is not available. There are a number of existing domain searches but I feel that they do not quite meet my needs.
Using Node’s DNS library we can perform a quick and rough check of a domain’s availability.
I had already created a Node script to do this but I felt that it could be useful for others.
Client side using Karma as the runner with Jasmine, we can use Angular’s $httpBackend to mock our API and test our promises:
beforeEach inject (_availability_,_$httpBackend_,_$q_,_$rootScope_) ->
$rootScope = _$rootScope_
$q = _$q_
deferred = $q.defer()
$httpBackend = _$httpBackend_
$httpBackend.expectGET('/api/test').respond deferred.promise
availability = _availability_
availability.check('test').then (data) ->
result = data
, (reason) ->
result = reason
it 'should return true if domain is available', ->
deferred.resolve true
expect(result).toBe true
At the back-end we can run Mocha using expect.js for similar assertions. Supertest is used to provide a nice API for testing the server:
describe 'GET /api/:id', ->
it 'should return true if available', (done) ->
.set('Accept', 'application/json')
.end (err,res) ->
return done err if err
Bonus: Growl
Incase you are not already using Growl I cant recommend it enough. It really helps to get into the flow of TDD and saves valuable screen space.
- Install Growl
- Install Growly
npm -g install growly
- Add to Karma.conf.js
reporters: ['progress','growl'],